YouTube Hide Related Videos

Hide the "related videos" list on pause or completion

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YouTube hide related videos

Hide the "related videos" list on pause or completion.

The first video is set to begin playing just before the end, so that you can see the end overlay quickly.

The second video starts from the beginning. Click pause to see the pause overlay.

This setup uses SA5's Video attributes;


Other setups and behavior testing

These are random experiments to show the effects of techniques like ?rel=0.

HTML Embed rel=0

This video is an HTML embed, but has rel=0 appended to the URL. At the end, it shows related videos, but only from the same channel.

HTML Embed

This video is an HTML embed with no changes from the original YouTube code. At the end, it shows related videos, and YouTube chooses which to show, from any source, including potentially competitor videos.

Webflow YouTube Player

This video uses Webflow's YouTube Player element. It has the setting enabled "Limit Related Videos to Channel".

Webflow YouTube Player + Privacy

This video uses Webflow's YouTube Player element. It has the setting enabled "Limit Related Videos to Channel", as well as the Privacy feature.